Saturday, 7 June 2014

Been too long

I've been away for a while, moved twice and found a new job which first took me to Calgary, through that I made a move to Vancouver where I'm happily enjoying my "Ironic existence".
Wow, you take three years off from a job and when you come back it's soooo different. Immigration in Canada has been mostly a steady flow of people from India, many of which went into trucking. Now three years ago there were maybe 30% of these drivers/owner operators out there. Well today I see it as closer to 70% . They have successfully established themselves in this business and today I find myself working for one of them. Something unheard of 5 or 6 years ago. Back then there was tremendous animosity towards these hard working people, but today they are the ones left standing and I must say they are doing an excellent job of it. What's so ironic is that if they hadn't come here to live and work with their extended families we would be for the most part out of big truck drivers, and this business would be in crisis. So today, after all this time out, solute these "new Canadians" and the great job they are doing for this country.

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