For three days this week the “blank” roll up the rim cups were in my Canadian news feed. Really? Is this important news? Are people running into glass walls not knowing what to do with a blank roll up the rim?
Then it was the franchise owners who stopped paying for breaks, my goodness, where do these employees go for a break? Well what I saw when I was a customer was employees hiding behind the garbage bins, and to smoke there as well so I guess the non smokers had to be endure extra foul smells. Seams to me if you don’t provide a lunch room for employees then you must pay them to “hang around “ in uniform.
I find it so hard to believe that an “institution “ like Timies has lowered itself to this bottom pit of gloom. Not sure what it’s like back east but out west there is a serious shortage of workers to fill these positions, many 24 hour Tim’s have had to scale back hours because of a shortage of people to fill these rolls. And now they are punishing what loyal workers they have over a little ity bitty raise. I guess the profits just aren’t what they were in the good old days.
I no longer go to this restaurant as I’ve had to quit drinking coffee, and really there is little else they serve that would draw me in.
Wake up Canada, this greedy chain of franchises needs a good slap in the face. And only you can do this. Roll up the rims fill our landfills with unnecessary garbage, totally disgusting environmental behaviour from this company that was once a Canadian institution!
Blaaaaaaa humbug from this one of seven billion and counting.
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