Monday, 28 January 2013

Animal Lovers

For those of you who do not know me, I'm a vegan, well mostly vegan as I do eat eggs and have a tough time passing cookies without having one. Outside of that I eat mostly greens and fruit. So it was reported on the news that a local pet store in a small town had donated oxygen masks to the fire department to help save pets in a fire. A really great idea.
But then it occurred to me that these same people are meat eaters. How can you be an animal lover and still eat meat? How can you pretend not to notice how horrible these animals are treated? And with these new concentrated feeding lots the risk to local water supplies is at an all time high!
If you trully love animals, don't eat them. I'm still amazed at the backlash I receive when I tell people I don't eat dead animals. "Oh my, aren't you hungry?" Or better yet, "how do you get your protein".
The responses go on and on, but yet they claim to be animal lovers. Cook any dog lately?


  1. If slaughter houses were made of glass most people would be vegan - Michael Pollan (food expert)

    The food companies have done an absolute amazing job de-facing animals in the super market so that the association of our inner true animal lover selves and the meat on the shelves does not exist. They are not connected. Ew gross... people don't like to think about where their food is coming from. Nope that is to far for them to go. Love my dog, go to work, be ignorant... it's apparently easier that way.

  2. Hi there,

    There is no such thing as "mostly vegan." You're either a vegan or you're not one, and you're simply not one. You eat mostly plant-based is what you can say. Veganism is an ethical philosophy that rejects the commodity status of all animals so vegans are against the exploitation, enslavement and killing of animals for food, for entertainment, for clothing, for research/experimentation, etc. Vegans do not consume eggs. If you do, you're an "Ovo vegetarian."

    Vegans do NOT support this:

    or this:

    Vegans also do not wear, use or consume anything that comes from animals or has animal ingredients, including honey.

    I recommend you watch the multi-award winning documentary, EARTHLINGS, to be fully informed:

    and also visit the world's first Vegan Society, co-founded by the person who invented the word "vegan":

  3. The last link is:

    1. Not sure why I upset you, the word "vegan" was invented and therefor it's meaning was as well. Are animals the only thing you care about? What do you propose we do with all the cow hides that are made. They need to be used, and as for chickens I believe they are in fact one of mans best friends. If not for them many "organic" wineries and orchards would be stuck for how to combat cutworms and such. In return for our protection they lay eggs for us, how nice!
      I don't care if I don't measure up to what you consider "vegan" is. What I do care about is sustainability. Raising animals to eat is unsustainable, not to mention that they are not that good for you. I grow a garden that "is for the most part organic" and love the energy I get from my plants. But on my plants are thousands of small bugs, am I not vegan because I eat them?
