How fast is your car, bike or life? One things for certain, most people can't wait to get there, and are willing to do anything to be there first. If Tiger's indiscretions weren't enough Lance came along to really put a nail in it.
Like a lot of other people I do not follow this sport very much. My goodness, there are more cars on the race then bikes it seems. I can't imagine how disgusting it must be to be racing uphill sucking the fumes from some chase car, then get hit by one! How is this racing, sort of like football (soccer) refs trying to make calls on the fakers. So now we all know how they do it, just cheat and may the best cheater win.
Am I mad at Lance? Hell no, this world repays cheaters and the more power to them for getting away with it. What's the term, rules made to be broken and fuck them if they can't take a joke.
No Lance came clean because he needed some limelight, 40+ and not front and centre anymore was more then he could handle. And kudos' to Oprah for getting the interview, her network needed it.
I feel like guys like Tiger and Lance are basically just fictional characters. We really know nothing about them personally, so our views surrounding them are completely based on this small handful of stuff; mostly their athletic career and a few personal details that manage to enter the media. Its fair for people to say they no longer like these athletes, but all they're really saying is that they don't like cheating, or adultery, or lying and those actions are only partially related to the athletes themselves. Before they 'liked them' for their athletic skills and accomplishments, now they 'dislike them' for doing bad things and lying about it. Whatever, none of our opinions about these guys are grounded in reality anyways. Maybe if people quit thinking of these guys as real people in their lives they wouldn't be personally offended when they screw up.