Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Nudge and a wink

Back-room deals are the staples that have bound us together for ever. This, of coarse should be common knowledge as pretty much everyone does these things. Making deals with each other has been the way of life since time began for humans. But what happens when you can no longer "own up" to the promises made? How can you pay your own deals if the one before you does not pay?
The case of Governments going broke is just that. The deals are all strung out and the music has stopped. Grab a chair and hope to hell the legs don't collapse! I think this is where we find ourselves as a race today. The escalator has reached the top, not much room for error. So now what, hmmm.
Is it me? I notice that most common jobs around the world pay for roughly the same level of life style. Why do we need elected officials tinkering with these things. All the deals they made " to get elected" need to be satisfied, putting strain on  the economy. This web of deals has become way to tangled, it all needs to be much more simplified. Easy to understand and in plain language. No more nudges and a wink.
7 billion and counting.

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