Many things happen in this world that seem to have no logic. Needless deaths are at the top of this list. As a parent, having to bury your child is about as bad as it gets. Everything you thought important becomes very trivial, for some, the reason to live becomes too hard to bare. For others a great cause is started bringing family and friends close together. It is these causes that make our lives more fulfilled.
One great cause is called"purple day" in Toronto, raising awareness for epilepsy. The CN Tower is lit in purple and a group of people that have dedicated themselves open the Toronto Stock Exchange. I want to take a moment to say congratulations to my big brother Hank, who has taken up this cause and drives it year after year. Believe it or not, there are dogs that are trained to know when someone is having an epileptic attack and help that person before an accident happens. These dogs are really amazing to be able to sense this, and to have one must be very comforting to people who have this affliction. This year two were donated to needy families.
But really what I want to say is how great it is to make a difference, and Hank, you and everyone who are helping you are making a difference! It makes me very proud to be your brother. You are one out of 7 billion and counting that is trying to make a difference.
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