The first time I openly weeped at the passing of a legend was when Steve Jobs died. the only other time I felt like that was when my mother passed, and who doesn't feel that way when your mom goes! But I still feel that way, He was like one of the last rebels, a holdover from "the in your face" 70's movements that were happening then. He made me giggle, because he just didn't care what anyone thought. There were so many like that back then, Bob Dylan, John Lennon to name just a few.
But who are like that today? Who can I follow and laugh with, who are the mavericks of today. No, I really miss him as he was one of the last, everyone else is too political, too concerned about saying the right things, not stepping on toes. I've even mellowed the last few years, kids will do that to you, but even that didn't deter these great revolutionists.
No I think it's the end of an era where all these great people have gone, and no one to replace them.
Couldn't agree more. We need to get rid of that political rightness ASAP!