Friday, 15 March 2013

The opposites are digging in

Have you noticed how hard people are digging in of late? Not unlike Republicans and Democrats. The faster our world gets the more these apposing worlds stay apart. The more we know about how the environment is in trouble, the more we abuse it. It's like quitting smoking, just thinking about it makes you smoke more, well it sure did for me!
We have the technology to do away with many of these things, but this technology is coming at us so fast we can barley grasp it before it changes again. Is there any way we can slow down?
I find the online university courses as a good start, at least after you graduate you don't become redundant, you can continue to keep up with the latest. But all our vices are what's wrecking the planet. Flying in an airplane for example, how can this be good for the air we breath? Anyone with any amount of intelligence can see this, yet fly more we do! I put it to you that this is the same as the smoking analogy, the thought of not flying somewhere makes us want to do it more. And I firmly believe price is not the problem. If you make it more expensive then inflation kicks in because no one will stop it. I'm always wondering why sport teams are only playing one game and then flying to the next. Wouldn't it make more sense to play 2 or 3 games then move on?
I read today that a campaign to stop windmills in Australia has taken the stance that you get sick from being close to them. And as it turns out just by suggesting this people got sick, but only where the campaign was highly publicized.
You can see the point I'm making. It will take a gigantic initiative to undo the problems we have, yep, I think we're fucked!
7 billion, smoking like mad, and counting

1 comment:

  1. The other thing that's happening with opposing sides digging in is that the real issues are being buried beneath simplified and easy to promote slogans where Republicans become synonymous with “Business”, “Christianity”, and “Military Strength” and Democrats become “Social Assistance”, “Health Care”, and “Gay Marriage”. This simplifying and dumbing-down of complexity has a huge appeal to the masses but suddenly we can’t discuss any real issues because everyone is stuck behind their simple entrenched stereotypes about what each other’s motivations are. Good luck getting people to have a meaningful discussion about adjusting their transportation and travel patterns when they’re too busy fighting over whether god likes Obama or not.
