Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Shhh, it's a secret

If ever there was a secret, it's with regards to gardening. When you look at all the things they want to sell you it can become overwhelming in a hurry. Has there been a better industry to reinvent? Just how many implements are needed? This is a big racket for sure, and every year the newcomers feed this bottomless pit.
How so? Well every grocery store and hardware outlet have a section for gardening. The big food stores close off a section of their lot just to get in on the action. And the books, my goodness not many bargains here. It would seem everyone has a secret to share with you, for a price of coarse. It's all in a day I suppose, the economy has to chug along, and we really do love blowing money on something, might as well be this.
I'm entering my 2nd year in full tilt gardening, and already I feel like I too could write a book. It would be about what not to buy, and how little it takes to grow some food. No green thumb needed. It's hard to be cynical though, working the soil in the spring is simply the best thing there is to do, well maybe the 2nd best thing lol.

1 comment:

  1. Um you should write that book. Or incorporate it in your blog. It's like anything... they want to sell you anything they can to make money. Turning it into a market....
