Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The Catholic Church

First off I want to wish the retiring Pope the best and hope he gets to enjoy his final years alive on this planet. Because I'm sure he was not enjoying running the church anymore. For many years all these guys had to do was travel around and let people kiss their hands, say a few words to the thousands that came and go to the next gig. Truly, the Pope was a rock star long before there were rock stars. So what happened?
The answer is so simple it just "slaps you in the face" when you see it. Women are the problem, the answer, and the solution. First, if the priests could marry, little boys would be not abused, second, if women were in decision making places these priests that did do this would be hung by their you know what!! How can these men think that what they are doing is going to get any message out there?
No I think not many Cardinals want this job anymore, and if they do they will be too old like the last one and not have the insight or stamina to do what is needed.
It is so "ironic" that this church would rebound and be so popular if they let"women be equal" and participate it's scary. But like most men, they think they know best, no wonder priests don't get married! Can you imagine the arguments and torture that would ensue. lolol

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