I follow the tech industry every day, and the more I follow it the more it becomes the same. There is so few "new" ideas out there one wonders how it became the industry it is. There is always a leader, and everyone who wants to be a leader. And they pull no punches when it comes to bashing them.
Then it's country's, like Korea. Here is this tiny speck of a nation that screams and shouts threats to the world, their leader reminds me of Carmen from the TV show South Park. He is young and has way too much time on his hands, so he tries to be a bully. I have a bomb, I have a bomb and you can't stop me, na na na naaaaaa na.
So the courts in New York struck down Mayor Bloomberg's effort to ban the sale of these huge soft drinks. This was the first real effort at attacking obesity, and what happens? Already another state has enacted a law that would make this kind of thing never happen. Look into my eyes, drink more sugar, eat more fat, have bigger servings, yep a real bully response to someone doing something right.
Then there is the Catholic Church. How can this religion stand up to all the abuse it bestows on it's people? Priests that pray on young boys, no women allowed, all they do it seems is pay off the law suits as they come. It just stays business as usual! Yet all I see is all this new reporting on their election of a new leader? The bad stuff, they just sweep it under the rug. That women are not eligible? No one will notice. In my view they are anything but representative of what God or Jesus is!
Do we as humans really want to be better? Do we really want to be "civilized? No we are just too "ironic". If it's good, bash it. If someone has a good idea, hate it. It seems to be our nature, stand up for everything except what is good.
7 billion "ironic humans" and counting.
I get in these mind sinks all the time. I have to actively search for good news, which as you know is extremely difficult! Sigh...this is when I want to fuck it all, go get my piece of land and live in my own world! Ha but I know that isn't quite good to. WHAT IS A GIRL TO DO?!