Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Rich Sports Stars

When I look at the state of things I can't help but wonder what our economy would be like if these pro's only made a modest living, you know some million dollar contracts but mostly just above average incomes. By adding greed to the already intense competitive aspect of top athletes the numbers are nothing short of stupid. And when someone tries to tell me that these people stimulate the economy I gag. If there was anything that fuelled inflation it was the values of sports contracts.
Now they are all competing for scarce resources of many people who are starting to keep their kids out of these sports for fear of concussions. Football I think is going to die a very painful death. The NFL will be sued out of existence in the near future, but hockey? This sport is doomed, it will only take one bad incident and lawsuit to shut them down. At the grass roots the rules are being modified to protect young players and these rules will stymy the game. But really, making ice in an ever increasing warm climate is doomed for sure. Many cities cannot continue to subsidize the rich with tax incentives for arenas. How ironic that the scoreboards in hockey arenas are so hot they melt the ice!
Not unlike our politicians there is less and less honour in sports, it has all come down to the money, not what is right. Is it right to try to wreck someones career for the sake of winning. To purposely injure someone really makes me puke, literally! I have not watched a full game of hockey this year, football as well has fallen off my viewing habits. The worst is the crying baseball players, pitchers throwing a ball at someones head and calling it "okay, part of the game". Speaking of baseball, how is it okay to hit a defenceless catcher at home plate full force? It is the only play the allows this kind of barbaric contact.
Sorry if I have offended you sports fiends out there, but it is no longer cool anymore and I for one think this will be different in the near future.
7 billion, trying to be more responsible, and counting

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