Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The future

Wait, predictions are made on New Years Day not in the middle of May. Well the future is coming full blast and the changes are occurring at breakneck speed.
Major companies are still running with their heads in the sand, but that is the way of the capitalistic world. Keep on growing and reducing costs, no matter what. Well the public is getting savvy to this and cutting back is what many families are doing. Things like getting their hair done, eating out, driving less, growing a garden. It seems everyone is starting to be more accountable to the environment as well as themselves. There is so much superficial about how we live, combine that with instant knowledge from the internet and what you got is many deciding not to live in the status quo.
I find myself wondering if the DVR has had anything to do with this. I know myself that I watch very few commercials now, anything I watch is recorded in order to avoid them. Ad to that all the entertainment found online at U-Tube and Netflix and you have a generation growing up not influenced by ads. The only place you can't escape ads is on live sporting events. But even that is being challenged, as the head injuries mount many a parent has stopped putting their kids in sports where this can happen. For me this year has been one where I have not watched a complete game of hockey. Every time I see a player give someone a cheap head shot I lose interest and change the channel. And pro football has become an offence only kind of league. But I think the writing is on the wall for these two sports. Soccer is another, "heading the ball" is creating many undiagnosed concussions. I find myself watching more golf of late, not much chance of seeing "dirty shots" taken at other players. But even golf is not good, all that water and pesticides to keep the grass looking like it does can not be a good thing.
No change is happening at a rapid rate. It is coming not from any one movement, but from ALL the movements. It's scary but exciting at the same time. Can't wait to see what happens.
7 billion, fed up and wanting change, and counting.

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