Saturday, 10 August 2013

Food Animals

Zilmax, a drug and name many do not recognize. Even my spell checker does not recognize it! This drug is used to add weight to cattle before they are butchered. It is banned in many countries but not here in Canada or the USA.
In the news today a company, Tyson Foods, has decided to stop processing cattle that are fed this drug. But not because it is bad, but because it is hurting their exports. It would seem many countries are against this as well they should. Reports are surfacing of cows that can't walk, are lethargic and otherwise not well. This of coarse has been happening to chickens for a long time. They are fed in dark barns to the point that they to cannot support their own weight. Hey, if we can fatten up these animals in faster times then we will make more money right? 
The piece I read referred to these animals as "food-animals". Food animals, hmmm I wonder if this somehow makes these creatures different from "regular animals". And how is it okay to be pumping up the "food animals" with drugs that are banned from sports because of the damage they do. And why oh why does everyone think eating animals is good for you, or the environment?
When you say anything about obesity the view is that everyone has become lazy somehow, that the last 20 or 30 years we have all taken to being couch potatoes. No I think it is a direct link to how profit is made in the food industry. Refine, speed it up, add sugar or salt, use less and make more. All these things contribute to obesity. Even vegetables are stretched to the wall with the prices being dictated by the large grocery companies that sell these veggies at very low prices. They sell them this low so you and I are not tempted to grow our own. They need us to come to their stores so we buy up all that processed food they make big profit from. In the meantime these veggies are so nutrient poor, we could never eat enough to give us any health benefits. 
There is a movement taking shape, that most are feed up with this and are trying to eat better. People have coined the term "urban farmers" and are growing better food to eat in their backyards. They would grow it in the front yards but neighbour hood rules stop many from doing this. Seems green grass is more important then good food. I can see it now, kids playing outside and helping themselves to anyones front garden when they are hungry. This would be a good start to eating better. 
We have a long way to go but it has started, now if only our school system would teach the basics in growing "real food" and even have a garden to feed our kids while in their care. As with everything, education is the key to change. Teach the kids, they will teach the parents.
7 billion, all eating better, and counting

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