Thursday, 15 August 2013

Opting Out

In the 60's there were many that tuned out of the black and white 50's. All it took was some LSD to get everyone to "colour up" the world. Well at least here in Canada and the USA. But as with many other illusions they had, this gave way to pure and hyper drive capitalism. Peace and love to greed and grandstanding. Then at last, women were accepted as breadwinners by the banks and everything took off. Question, how does anyone opt-out?
We've painted ourselves into a corner. There is way too many people in the world to go live in communes, and even if you did you would still need to engage with this economy for cash. There is no way to do this today. Just to find a vacant place to pitch a tent would be a challenge anywhere worth living. We have all become "suburban stupid" with no way out.
But wait, if we used something like Facebook to organize the burbs into small contingents of sharing people we could create something better then opting out. If say 15 to 20 households of like minded people sharing food, tools and anything else the group had to offer the suburbs would become the best of both worlds.
I have proven to myself that growing a large amount of food that is easy to grow can be done, and without chemicals! I see this as the movement that is already in motion. It may even become a necessity to survive during economic upheavals. Ironically, this may well become the economy of the future. It's funny how the smaller we think, the bigger things get. Micro economies, will be the next wave.
7 billion, all involved, and counting

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