Friday, 21 June 2013


The games we play in life make us all cheaters, and bullies, and hypocrites. It would appear to me that this is instinctive, as a means to existing. Yet this is the very thing they try and stop, the cheaters and bullies.
In China apparently it's you're right to cheat. If you paid good money to cheat then that is your right. As witnessed at the state exams for entrance to university. They searched all the students for radio and cell phone devices, confiscated them and forced the students to write their exams without cheating. The parents were so upset they trapped the officials in the building and were tying to "get them" when police finally arrived. To them, it was their right to help their kids cheat and what these people did stopped them from doing so, and I suspect that a great deal of money was wasted as the cheaters could not communicate with the students. A truly "ironic" moment don't you think?
So how is it we keep falling for these scams? How is it we want so desperately want to believe everyone is on the up and up? It's a strange life we live, sure hope their are answers in the afterlife.
7 billion, pulling one over on you, and counting

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