Wednesday, 12 June 2013

How Nice!

I've been thinking more on all the communication that the US government has been recording, and wondered why I bother to back up? Would seem they have a super size back up that is always on. Now if only they had the capacity for pictures, hmmmmmm.
Best 2 for 1 of the day, a small aqua-farm that grows food. A small self cleaning fish tank that grows food for only $60 this product needs to be in every big box store there is. The kids get to have some fish, and you get to grow some food. See it at, Built by two graduates this is a terrific idea.
Raised bed gardening. As I've told you before I garden a lot. This year I built raised beds for all of my plants and I'm here to tell you this is the ONLY way to go! I have twice the growing space with about a third the work. It makes it very easy to take care of everything including the weeds. If you use "Mel's Mix" from square foot gardening and add in all that the internet has to offer on the subject, growing food becomes real easy. And clean as well, you can walk among the boxes and not disturb the plants I for one am completely sold on this method. Google images of raised bed gardens and you will see what I mean.
Apple back in the spotlight. I still have a hard time understanding how everyone treats this company. I compare it to a sports stars like Tiger or Labron, they are so good that we come to expect way more from them then the rest. Anyways I really like what they are doing, the polish they are putting to their operating systems is nothing short of fantastic. If only there were more companies that cared as much as they do about making the best stuff they can.
Vegetarian Thursdays. My oldest, Maxine, just told me about a lady in a town outside of Belgium that has got the whole city to sell and prepare vegetarian meals only! Wow, what effort that must have taken. I immediately thought of "fish Fridays" that the Catholics used to practice. It would seem that in Europe sustainability initiatives like this are far ahead of North America. Of coarse they are under more pressure to do these things as living space is at such a premium but to be so cool as well. I think a movie could be made out of the effort that it must have taken to get everyone on board, I'm sure it would be a great comedy hit.
7 billion, eating green one day a week, and counting

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