Monday, 10 June 2013


The exposure of government surveillance should really not be that surprising, we have been fascinated with this since the first Bond film. But this is the march we have been on with the invention of the internet. Add in Google, Facebook, Apple and yes even Microsoft and you can only conclude that privacy is pretty much non existent. We are exposed to all that care to look. But can you imagine sifting through all that data? Can anyone think that they have really have any privacy in their lives?
To me this paints the real story of what most live for, and that is control. Even money and power do not stand beside the notion of control. The husband controlling his wife, the religions controlling their flocks, and of coarse the governments controlling their people. In every situation you are in it's about control. When I sold cars for a living is was about controlling the customer. We all want things to go our way, and we go the extreme lengths to do just that.
But I see this as a good thing, with the speed of the internet and the over saturation of devices connected to it we truly are exposed. Meaning we are all becoming more equal, not less. If we can all see what everyone else is doing then control starts to diminish. I think this is the one thing that will save us in the long run, the freedom to see everything, to learn about what everyone else is doing. As with the Borg on Star Trek next generation, you will be assimilated, it is inevitable. But the one thing they cannot control is thought, what goes on in your head is yours and no one else's. Even with the Borg pure thought won out in the end, being an individual was what triggered their downfall. I see it this way, how else can you see it? Believe what you want, and think about what you want. That to me is what freedom is, going deep in thought.
7 billion, knowing what everyone is doing, and counting

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