Thursday, 28 February 2013

A new Revolution

The Urbee 2( Urbee 2, A 1,200-Pound 3D-Printed Car ) was showcased today in the news, this is truly revolutionary in what is not only possible, but what the future is going to bring us. 3-D printing is going to change everything, and I'm sure that not many are prepared for that disruption.
My case in point, need a new lawnmower? How about a new rake? Or a lightweight shovel, counter tops, tables, lawn furniture, decks, small green houses, big greenhouses, hell they can print a new house in one day! Go ahead, add to the list. All of these things can be ordered up and printed locally and delivered by electric lightweight trucks that were 3D printed. The future store will be just a place where you pick up your orders, or go for the occasional warranty repair.
But for sure, almost anything you need can be made this way. This totally changes the economics of pretty much everything, don't you agree? Are you ready for this "New Revolution", cause it's a coming like it or not! Wooo Woo, chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga. 7 billion and moving on chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

To the Meat Eaters

This past weekend I was with family celebrating a birthday. As with most family functions we all ate
a well prepared meal. For myself, I took out 2 big trays of vegetables to roast as I'm a Vegan and well it was something to share with everybody. Now what is bugging me is that someone said, hey, great burgers! Where did you buy the beef? Now lets just back this up a bit, how does where it was purchased have anything to do with how it tasted?
Those marketers have pulled the wool over your eyes. I get this same thing when I tell people I do not consume meat. They say,"but I love the taste of meat". No you don't! You love the way it is spiced up and that someone cooked it well. But their brains tell them it was the meat that tasted great. This association has got to stop. Try cooking some meat in a frying pan without the extras and see how that tastes.
This same thing is playing out with the horse meat scandal, I'll bet you that this has been going on for a long time and only now has come to light. They served up a win win for these companies as it got rid of the meat, and kept the price down. I read today that as embarrassed as these companies are, no one has said they are sorry. Why? Because they know that now this commodity is going up in price. They are not feeling the love! And they do not know what they will do now that their little scam has been exposed.
So next time you like someones meat dish, say great spices, I hardly recognized the meat at all.
It takes 10 pounds of grass to make one pound of steak, I won't even go to how much water they need!
7 billion and counting!

Liking things

It's pretty bad when you have to like your own pieces on Facebook. But that is what I did yesterday, I didn't plan it out, I was just curious to see how many people would read it if I did. Now I wonder how many will come back for more? Hmmmmmm.
I think I overuse the like button, as it tugs on my wanting to be more social, more accepted by my friends and family. There was a time when I would never do that. I still feel it sometimes but have "caved in" to being polite. And hey, it's not that bad I guess, as there are things I do actually like! Maybe what's bothering me is that my reputation is slipping, that I'm conforming more. The very act of joining Facebook brings up that feeling, and is likely the reason many do not join up from my generation. That somehow we have"compromised" our reluctance to be seen in public as civil human beings. I remember everyone I knew as being rebellious, not wanting to conform, not sure where they all went. I know that for many getting a job became a little more important, raising a family and such.
But do they really "like"it?

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Resistance is Futile

One of the most ironic things about humans is our reluctance to change. It is at times"very painful" for people to change. No, don't take away my cigarettes, what will I ever do without my bottle of (fill in the blank) sugar, but I "love candy", and on and on.
Actually, what makes me laugh the most is almost everything we love is bad for us! And everything that is "good" for us we don't want! This irony is really where most humour comes from. The question, "why do you do that?" comes to mind as I watch the news telling me about another chemical spill into a river, or of another car accident where the driver was drunk. The message gets out, it's that we don't want to change. That is the reason for most of the shit that happens today. And I don't think this has ever changed through time.
Arabs hatred of Jews, sweeping dirt under the rug, the killing of Sharks just for their fins, the slaughter of Whales, eating meat. This list is really endless, as a species we just don't get it, until the very last moment. And then procrastination takes over, oh well, who cares!
I still blame the Brits for all this, it was their attitude to everyone else on the planet that brought this upon us. Their definition of civilization ruined more then a few ways of life. They jammed Christianity down everyones throat, and brutally punished those that rebuked what they believed. They were the ones that introduced cattle and pigs to the world, my god they dragged those poor beasts by boat because they could not, or would not change.
No, if we wreck this planet, it will be because of this fact. May I get through it before all hell breaks loose.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Is it all for not?

Last night on the TV I was watching the "doomsday channel" which was showing a number of doomsday scenarios that could occur. There were times I was laughing so hard that I missed some of the dialog, I mean this one scenario was we knew Earth was going to be blown up in 75 years and what we would do about it. The show went on on how we would build a spacecraft for maybe 250,000 people and propel it to some other galaxy with nuclear power. And then it showed rich people building their own space ship as they did not want to miss out.
Now first off, who the hell would do the work knowing the world was going to end and they themselves were not going to be saved? This thought would not leave my brain as the show went on and on up to the final moments of earth. But then I started to wonder.
Don't you ever get the feeling that if we were to fix the problems of the world, clean energy, food, wars and such some massive problem would show up and wreck it all? This is the"ultimate ironic moment" we are talking about here. I think many people get this feeling and that is why these problems are so hard to fix. If it wasn't for our sense of humour, I'm sure we would all go nuts don't you think?
7 billion lol.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Face Book and Family

There are endless articles on why FB is both good and bad. But I'm experiencing such a rush of "good vibes" of late as more and more family connect on this platform. Seeing all the pictures and feeling all the good wishes is so heartwarming.
Is 2013 the year we all get over our privacy qualms?
I've been going down memory lane a lot these past few weeks, funny it took a funeral to get more of this love going, and a whole lot of coaxing, but I'm in a great place right now. The feeling is so good.
Sharing is what we all really love to do, no matter how selfish we sometimes feel. All the "moments" that occur in ones life, and sharing them, yowser, I'm just really enjoying it all.
This is what happiness really feels like!
Sending my love to everyone reading this, Miles

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Raising Kids

Okay, who lost the manual? How many times have you heard, "well raising kids with no manual" is not easy to do! Even though there are countless books on the subject, when you experience it for yourself it is overwhelming to many. And you are right, there is no manual for this sometimes thankless job we all do.
I feel this very thing is the reason the world is in such a mess. Way to many parents"hold back their kids"from learning. The mindset is that somehow the parent knows best and the child should shut up and listen. But really, it's that they are afraid of their kids outdoing them, but to me that is exactly what I want. Then of coarse there are those who overdo it, go crazy with trying to give their kids an advantage. The latest trend is holding their child back a year so they are more mature then their fellow classmates. Then there are the ones that think everyone needs to win as if their fragile egos will forever be harmed by a loss at something or having missed a trophy in some meaningless activity.
I think everyone is missing the point. Kids know what to do, what they like to do, and what they want to learn. It's our jobs as parents to nourish this, even if you know they are wrong. My number one rule is,"don't lie to your kids". If the truth is to hard for them then tell them that. Don't lie to them and think somehow you have done them a favour. It is this that confuses their brains, clouds their judgment, because of the devoted love they have for you. To please you a child will do a lot of things that are not good for them. By telling them "how it is" lets them untangle the problem and who knows, even come up with world changing solutions.
Do I practice what I preach? You bet, and when I didn't know the answer I told my kids that, I was not embarrassed or felt the need to feed them some rubbish to make me feel superior to them. To see the lightbulb go off in their eyes was what turned my crank. Go ahead,"and let go".

Friday, 22 February 2013

You expect Privacy?

There is a crisis brewing and someone or something needs to happen soon to avoid it. First, do you really think anyone deserves privacy? We all have hundreds of photos posted on Facebook, do our banking online, file our taxes and on and on. Yet people get their noses bent out of shape when something goes public that they don't like. Kind of your cake and eat it too thing.
If we as a civilization want to progress past the point we are at then everything will need to be shared.
"Just Imagine" no borders and no religion too! haha, but really, the age of Star Trek is upon us. Sharing jobs, technology, power and all the things needed to make living in this world easy to do no matter where you live. Bah humbug you say? Well it's going that way weather you like it or not.
The current war of espionage being waged by the powers that be (China, Russia, USA) will open up all the secrets and make privacy a thing to forget about. In the end, I see this as a good thing, but my view will be hotly contested by the big corporations who think they have the right to "own us".
The only other way to avoid this is if someone can invent a way to prove you are you. Undisputed proof of identity in the online world. Then the internet can remain open, but my fear is that even if this software existed the powers that be will not want it. Secure you are you software will make it very hard for the government to spy on it's people, which brings us back to privacy. Do you really deserve it and does it really matter? " It's a catch twenty two" that will be politicized for the next few rounds of elections. I think the corporations brought this on themselves when 1, they allowed a patent for a living organism,(genetic plants) and 2, they allowed a corporation to be "an individual" with regards to political donations. (USA)
I often marvel at the audacity of these things, it would seem these people are becoming more and more bold and brazen as they stomp all over your so called "rights".
Privacy, it's going away. Get used to it.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

More on the Hoarse Meat thing

I wrote a post on this, but I don't think I went far enough. My son sent me a link,No more excuses. The only defensible option is to go vegetarian | John Harris that really hits the nail on the head.
Not only are we going to be driving electric cars, but we will all be eating way more veggies and way less meat. It's so "Ironic" that we as humans take forever to figure out things and make changes. We procrastinate on our day to day habits till it just has to happen! And then we still need to be dragged kicking and screaming to the ultimate conclusion.
Please read this piece, and pass it on to anyone you might think will understand it. WE have to make changes, and not just because someone thinks it's healthier but because it makes so much more sense. The population of this planet may be levelling off a bit, but feeding meat to 7 billion is going to wipe us out, same goes for fish. These super boats that are almost like factories are dragging their nets so deep to catch what is left that they are making the sustainability of those very fish near impossible. Wecking the reefs where these fish grow up is doing so much harm, well I know you get my point.
7 billion vegans is the goal, grow food, not grass!

Something Nobody is Talking About

If electric cars become a reality, or more widely adopted what are we to do with all that gasoline?
The argument for electric will win out in the end, it's just way more efficient to move a vehicle with electric power then with the infernal combustion engine. The Tesla passes all tests when comparing the two means of propulsion. This is one piece that will help you figure this out.Why Women Love The Tesla Model X. The fact is over 90% of our driving is within a 100 miles at most, and very often it's less then that. So the range is there, in fact the top Tesla model has over a 200 mile range making a recharge only necessary 2 or 3 times a week.
So what are we to do with all that gasoline? It is a by product of the refining process, making it a problem when few are using it. The refineries have the supply thing down pretty good but when demand drops then what? Do they lower the price to a "lose" or tank it up and ship it to third worlds? No one that Ive read has said anything about this.
I do not profess to be well educated on the refining of oil, so maybe they can do something else with it, but it would seem to me that this "by-product" is going to need a new home somewhere. That is a scary thing to think about. They already dump loads of chemicals deep in the earth, are they going to do this with gas as well? Please enlighten me if you know the answer!
7 billion and counting

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Holiday Weekends

As yesterday was a holiday I felt compelled to write another post. I'm not sure why though, do I feel guilty for having an extra day to myself. Was I concerned that the economy would suffer, or that some one would go into withdrawal.
We had a funeral this weekend and my older brother that I had not talked to for many years stayed with me at my house. It was just a weekend but we had some interesting talks. One thing that came up was the lost productivity of holidays like the one we were enjoying. He thought it was disgusting to have all these meaningless long weekends and lamented on how much money was lost due to them. Yep, a true republican, maybe bordering on the Tea Party.
To me I have to ask, how do you lose money because of these things? Does everybody not eat that day? Do they all park their cars? Do all the stores close their doors? He never worked a blue collar job and I think many like him have not as well. Because then he would know just how punishing bosses can be to make up for lost time! But then you read how much a snow storm has cost the local economy and how difficult it was for everyone to get to work the next day, even though the roads were closed and power was out, people were compelled to try to go to work. Is this what life has come to? Get to work by any means necessary as the company is "losing money" without you there. Pleaseeeeeeeee!
I have a solution to this problem, stretch one year into two. Have birthdays, anniversaries parades and such every other year. Lets face it, there are not many days left on the calendar where we can have another special holiday. Think of the gains in productivity, Christmas every other year! We would all be half as old! LOL

Weddings and Funerals

This weekend I was reminded of why I became an Apple fan boy. After years of maintaining a large fleet of PC's belonging to my immediate family I had convinced them all to switch to Mac. But in doing so I put myself out of work, as these machines rarely need my attention. Hey, one gets comfortable not cursing and swearing at some program that wont respond.
But this past weekend I was deluged with various flavours of PC's that all needed immediate attention. My brother-in-law had passed away, and at the family gathering that ensued I was put to task as I had offered my services many times in the past but never had been taken up on. The reasons do not matter as much as they all at once decided to take me up on my offers of help! LOL
I had almost forgotten how frustrating Windows can be. I put a stop to fixing XP a few years back but found myself repairing almost new Windows 7 laptops, it's pretty bad when the first thing you have to do is buy a maintenance program to get control over all the greedy programs that demand resources. For those who want to know I'm currently using AVG to do this, but even this program has been redone with all new screens that left me a bit baffled.
In the end I found myself wondering why I had endured so many years of this frustration, but then it hit me. No one wants to admit how screwed up things are till a large family gathering occurs and someone decides to vent. Along I come and bam, 2 weeks of dealing with clogged up machines! But deep down, I'm happy to be needed again. Thanks windows for making me relevant again!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Love Is, love is, what you want it to be

Valentines day, one wonders how Feb 14 was chosen for a day dedicated to love. Most in the northern hemisphere are in deep depression from a long and cold winter. It must have something to do with the rose's growing cycle.
At any rate I have been reading a number of articles and have watched a few shows in the last couple of days relating to this very difficult subject. As I have gotten older I have looked on with a much different view to relationships with the opposite sex. Now before I go further the "opposite sex really means someone to love", I'm not trying to diss on gay relationships as I do not have a problem with that, but with the "love thing" that everyone seems to be wanting.
Are we really wanting a life time commitment? Is it not just a "lustful" thing we have for each other? And then there is the "mutual appreciation" that many feel for one another.
If you have not seen this new show on Netflix, House of Cards, I want to suggest that the relationship the two main characters have is as cool as I've ever seen portrayed. They sleep in the same bed, but do not attach sex to the relationship. They are committed to each other "intellectually" and it would seem to be a very cool way of being married. They make no bones about it, and do not care what anyone thinks of this arrangement. I think they get it right.
For most what starts out as a powerful lust ends up with what are we doing with each other. One moment you can't get enough of each other then bam, who the hell are you? But by then you are married with kids and a house maybe, and well it is nothing but a very big mess. For many this is the end of life as we knew it. Careers are shattered, happiness disappears and life becomes one big hellhole. What a way to live! It really is ironic don't you think?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Another overpaid celebrity on strike

It always amazes me to see just how greedy our celebrity movie and athletic stars can be. And how willing the journalists are to stoke this greed with interviews that are like someone petting a cat or dog. The very first question and statement made in an interview should be," what charitable causes do you support"? Do you help ease hunger? Do you support clean water for everyone? Just what are you spending all your millions on besides making more millions?
Well it came to my attention today that Matt Damon has gone on strike, to support clean water for everyone. He is not only a great actor but he is very believable in a cause like this. Many more high profile people need to do things like this. It justifies the stupid amount of money they earn.
And companies, who exactly are doing their part in reducing their water use? Who has installed waterless urinals in there place of work? We need to know these things to help us decide who to support. Bill Gates is doing his part, helping invent a toilet that uses minimal amounts of water.
Then there is the food waste disposers. Not sure how this thing is even legal but just how much does this thing cost us in water treatment? Take this money and recycle food waste so it can be composted. Win win don't you think? I have a worm farm going to process much of the waste, the rest in our city goes into special bins that are sent for composting, and in turn used to replenish the soil with "organic" nutrient's". This is where our school system is failing us, kids are not learning about these things. Most do not even know how food is made! My goodness, what could be more important then that to learn in school?
The ironic world, 7 billion and counting

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

It's your brain at work

I'm almost 2 years into being tobacco free. For 43 years I sucked up ciggs like candy. If I even thought about quitting I would light up even more!
But since quitting I've noticed this same behaviour in many other things. For example the article in the New York Times that trashed the Telsa S electric car. I see this behaviour in many people," please, don't take away my precious car". The brain goes on the attack, kill that electric thing, stop it at all costs! No matter how much logic there is in getting rid of the infernal combustion engine people will do the craziest things to defend it. I mean they are growing corn just so they can make some ethanol to run these engines. Logic just doesn't get through. The brain goes into it's "non logical mode" where wasting and destroying does not faze it a bit. This is where I found out how to quit smoking. I realized that my brain was highjacking my reason centre and I became determined to take back control, which I did without any aids what so ever.
I'm vegan, and I see the same reaction in meat eaters when I tell them" I don't eat dead animals". You can see the fear in there eyes as they contemplate not eating meat. But some do see the logic, but do not risk offending their peers. The brain will make any excuse to resist this kind of change, just like smoking. This part of the brain has built up all these associations and will come up with any excuse to keep you from the "logical side". If I was religious this would be the battle between god and the devil.
To change it I used the "delete button" every time an association linking these things came up. It's a work in progress but I have had success and will never have a cigarette again.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Keeping our Options Open

A relative of mine passed away this weekend, not that this is big news but in talking to some people that knew him it would seem that they are holding him in some kind of limelight. This man was as bad a dude as there was. He screwed anybody and everybody, including his own family, yet they grieve and say nice things about him. Me, couldn't be happier that he is gone. In fact it amazes me he lasted as long as he did.
But it would seem everyone does not want to be seen or heard saying what is really on their minds, like what a complete asshole he was. Is it that they think god will be watching?
Icons seem to get protection even after death. John Kennedy is someone that comes to mind. Considered a great man yet openly fooled around with other women while president and did not seem to care who knew. Thought he was untouchable, like my brother in law.
We talk about honesty and caring but really we are keeping our options open "just in case" there is an afterlife where these same A-holes are hanging out ready to be the big bullies they were when they were alive.
Do we all just "pretend" to be nice, or right about the things we do? In the end I think most are just looking out for themselves, somehow justifying the decisions they make and hope no one is really keeping score. I mean really, how can the 10 commandments be so clear and yet the very people who preach it abuse it the most! Thou shall not kill comes to mind all the time. Yet kill is what they love to do.
Ironic, the human condition.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Horse Shit

Again, meat eaters go crazy with the thought of horse meat in their burgers. How cum? Well I suppose  you want to get what you thought you were paying for, but really, is horse meat bad for you? And if they can't mix it up in your ground beef a bit what are they to do with it?
But the bigger question is what will they do with all the recalled meat? Are they just going to put it in the dump? I'm sure there are many poor people who would not mind eating it or feeding there family with it.
It really is ironic that this kind of thing is upsetting to some people. They have separated cows, chickens and pigs from the animals they like. Indians ate dogs on a regular basis and I'm sure there are lots of places in this world that eat meat from animals we "like". Horse shit I say, let them eat broccoli! haha

Thursday, 7 February 2013

The Worms and the Bees

One of my top pet peeves is what our kids are learning in school. It would seem that they learn about everything but what they need to know to survive. If you have not seen this TED TALK, it is a must. Here is proof of what kids get excited about, what gets them motivated and what in my opinion is a very cool education.
Stephen Ritz: A teacher growing green in the South Bronx
I've seen this Ted 5 times and it has never failed to make me laugh and cry. Mr Ritz is a special kind of teacher in a special kind of place. I could only dream of this happening in our upper middle class city.
But then it hit me, if sex education is so taboo maybe we should teach kids about the "worms and the bees instead". I'm sure they would love it and if they were raising worms in class their would be a potential for revenue from the compost.
I can see it now, kids bringing scraps to school for the worm farm, recycling their lunches and such. Then they need to grow some things, imagine, going to school and learning how to feed yourself! How did we get off track on this. Summer holidays were meant for the kids to go home and help their families run the farms. Now they could go home and help run the urban gardens we all need to grow.
This is a movement I could get behind.
7 billion and counting

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I'm a worm farmer, and proud of it

The amount of wasted food in this world would almost wipe out hunger. What is it with the supermarkets that decide what shape a vegetable or fruit has to be before selling it? Are we so finicky that we will not eat a crooked carrot? Do they really think no one will buy them?
I blame the British, not only did they bring cows and pigs to this continent but the notion of the perfect looking fruit and vegetable. I get that it was a way to be better then the competition but that has long passed us. And the waste? well I know there are still way too many places that ship it to the dump! Where I live we do recycle the compost from the garbage but not nearly enough cities do this.
I take it a step further, my worms eat my garbage, well most of it. They turn the vegetable scraps into the best fertilizer you can buy! It's called vermacompost, and this will grow your plants better then anything you can buy. Replenish the earth with this "worm poop" and watch the circle of life give back.
I also want to congratulate our local food banks for taking excess vegetables from us to redistribute. I'm not sure everyone knows this, as they wouldn't in the past. But this is great for the families that need help. They will be getting my extra's this year, hope you donate yours as well!
To learn more I suggest Red Worm an exceptional web site for new worm farmers.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I'm fed up!

Every time I see some idiot defending the internal combustion engine my blood boils. Do these morons ever walk downtown? Have they never followed a "blue burner" on the highway? Has nature somehow given them a new gene that stops them from chocking on the smog out there?
                     Electric Cars Are Not the Answer                   These people who write this crap need to flown to Beijing and have them run, not walk around town for a day or two.
These engines suck in clean air and blow out dirty air. That is how they work. They must be replaced, get your heads out of the sand people!

Something to talk about

Where do athletes go from here? Training techniques and regimens are at the max. If you are a pro you do workouts that would leave the rest of us in intensive care. The only way to do better is to cheat. Drug therapy, blood transfusions, even antler spray. Athletes the world over look to anything to improve. But when you are at the limit then what? Innovation is gone, there are no surprises anymore. You can bet most "bulked" up athletes have doped or are doping. Is this the meaning of sport?
Concussions are ramping up because of the conditioning of these athletes. When everyone on the field of play are big, fast, and strong the resulting blows to the head are becoming more severe. The game of football (American) is trying to stop some of it by limiting what the defence can do. Whats left is not that exciting. Quarterbacks like Manning, Brady and the like can light up the non existent defences that are employed. It often comes down to who has the ball last, or to a penalty. Most of the defensive head coaches are gone now, replaced by the offensive ones.
This is playing out in all sports, they have to take out the "crushing blows" because of the lawsuits and the injuries to the top stars of the game. They pay these athletes huge amounts of money and cannot afford to have them "knocked out".
But it is us the fan that fuels this on, we all have nothing to talk about, last nights game is what we discuss. They have perfected the roll we play in keeping this as popular as it is. To stop this would leave many totally void of things to talk about. Give us something else to argue about, please, before the first "billion dollar" contract occurs.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Super Bowl Sunday

I think we all see things that need to be done moving forward, but moving forward is difficult to do when the train is moving so fast. To indulge in any change it would need to be put in front of this moving train and hope like hell it sticks! Because when it gets down to it, no one wants to change, or can change as the intensity increases. It will take nothing short of a Herculean effort to change the track we are on.
I found myself yesterday taking out my ex wife and youngest daughter to dinner, right after the "big game" started. Now I was as big a fan as most and would have begged off this dinner but I didn't. This event like many others is becoming irrelevant to the day to day life we lead. But it is also so hyped that we have no chance of escaping it. Didn't you find it like you were "suppose" to be into it as opposed to wanting to into it?
It's that dam train, we just can't get off and it is going faster and faster. I had this idea to turn one year into two. In other words all holidays, birthdays and such would only happen every two years. I mean almost every holiday is like a full time job! It's crazy trying to keep up with it. I feel it is making these things more superficial.
The game itself, well the entertainment part was bigger then the game. Cry baby Jim wanting a call in the end when they were in the red zone 2 times after the black out. I found that retarded, waaaaaaaaaaa, it was holding, waaaaaaaaa. If I owned the team I would be embarrassed for sure at the sandbox fit he threw.
But the sport of football, and hockey too are not long for this world. The head injuries are taking front page and the powers that be are all holding their breath, hoping and praying someone doesn't get killed on prime time. Can you imagine the gut wrenching going on over this? Billions and billions at stake. Life without these sports would be very different indeed. Can you imagine it?

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Do you talk the talk?

I've talked about reasons for not getting things done, and made reference to us being lazy. Yet researchers can study something for years, show you in graphic detail all the disgusting things that are happening to the world. Chart how long we have to live, what will happen, and so on. But do they actually do anything about it? They may say, "hey, we did the charts didn't we, we warned you!! I bet everyone of them still drives a car, uses bleach on their whites, flies in airplanes.
Well it has been proven now. I came across this today and it all made sense,
But I beg to differ, it's not just the Americans, we all are! How is it we can do all this work proving there is a problem but not lift a finger to do anything about it. Yep, I'm selfish, and so are you!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

The Gun Battle

When I see the kind of passion displayed during gun debates I wonder if we really are hell bent on ending the world. It reminds me of when I quit smoking, the brain would make any excuse to have a cigarette. I'm seeing the same thing here, and it's disturbing to listen to grown men cry about losing their right to own them. My goodness, their mother could be killed by a thug with a gun and they still wouldn't budge!
I can only imagine this kind of passion for cleaning up the environment. But cleaning up the environment is work, and maybe that is why it isn't that popular. Owning a gun like tobacco is easy to have. Cleaning up the big mess we made is not! Are we really this lazy?

Friday, 1 February 2013

A Wi-Fi protest

In the near future, like right now, everyone will be upgrading their wireless routers. Why? Because of a new standard that is faster. Not only that but the fact that these routers are out of date and have some security issues I believe there will be a big roll out of new devices.
If you haven't noticed I'm an Apple fan boy. When I switched our family over I also got Apple's cool Air Port Extremes. What I like was the fact they came with a "guest network" built in allowing you to have an open port for friends when they came over, but not allowing them access to your private network. So if we all got routers that had this feature, and all the new updates we could all turn on the guest network making Wi-Fi available to everyone on the street walking or driving by.
This has been a pet project of mine for a while now. Ive been after any and all businesses to open up a free Wi-Fi network for everyone.
Take this even further the telcos could build out Wi-Fi stations where they have fibre optics making for fast and efficient data transfers. Combined with the way overbuilt cell network and we would have a completely connected populace. New Slogan,
Free Wi-Fi for all

I know I know

White roads and winter don't mix. But the road system itself needs to be upgraded big time. Computer driven or assisted driving is coming like it or not. Well the easiest way to get this going is upgrading the roads with LED lights and readable sensors making it easy to navigate. Then all the tech that car manufacturers are building into cars will become easier and even smart phones could have apps to help navigate the roads. So yes, painting the roads AND installing at least cheap sensors is doable.
The LED marked road thing can come latter, but with LED LIT ROADS traffic management would become easy. Parking lots would always be marked properly and changed on the fly to accommodate any situation.
Remember, 7 billion and counting.

I'm on a roll today

The NO MORE FREE WATER thing has inspired me. I have more easy fixes we can do right now to help solve some problems.
Paint all asphalt white.
Cities warm up things because of the heat they trap. This puts people to work and helps cool off things at the same time. Meaningful job creation. While fixing and repairing our roads and highways we paint them all white. This alone would put a dent in the heat thing, the cost is not out of this world and doable for the masses. All paved driveways would be first, homeowners would be legislated to paint and paint would be provided at a discounted or wholesale price. As we progress they could figure out how to do the white while paving. New slogan,

Luxury Sports

Polo, Sail boat racing, Golf, Formula 1, Nascar, Speed Boats, I think you get my drift. Out of all these "rich man" sports I'm going to single out Golf.
Why pick on them? Well I don't want to pick on Golf so much as to show how this one sport has been so wasteful and why it came to this.
It's the price of entry, they were successful in making it inexpensive to the average player thereby growing the game to it's present size. How did they do this? Free water. Without oodles of free water there was no chance this sport would be as popular. And it's this one fact that needs to be addressed. If they payed for water like the residents did there would be FAR fewer courses. Thus making it a "Kings"sport like the rest of them. If any government had the balls to do this, we would have a chance of turning around the wastefulness of man. Something big like this is what it would take to get "meaningful" about the environment. 
We do not need to water all these lawns and golf courses. The slogan needs to be,
NO FREE WATER. This is doable. 

Waste Management

Do you like golf? It's a cool sport in that you walk all day on a nice green carpet. But that is the illusion. It's a synthetic green carpet. This weekend the golf boys are in Phoenix playing in the "Waste Management" tourney. Aptly named as they play on what looks like a perfect green carpet with some desert through in between. 
How can the south west afford the water to keep these courses looking like this? The Hoover Dam is 34 feet from not being able to produce power and they still think it's okay to water up the coarse, and the coarse has some ponds on it! 
I watched with a lot of sadness a farmer pulling his almond trees out of the ground in California due to a lack of water. And he's not alone! But these people will never get that the golf coarse has to go. Seems we need our golf heroes more then we need food. The amount of water AND fertilizer wasted on golf has got to stop. Not to mention all that grass people seem to think they need.
This drought that started last summer is not showing signs of letting up. They need to get radical and quick or suffer the results of their wasteful use of this precious commodity.