Friday, 1 February 2013

Waste Management

Do you like golf? It's a cool sport in that you walk all day on a nice green carpet. But that is the illusion. It's a synthetic green carpet. This weekend the golf boys are in Phoenix playing in the "Waste Management" tourney. Aptly named as they play on what looks like a perfect green carpet with some desert through in between. 
How can the south west afford the water to keep these courses looking like this? The Hoover Dam is 34 feet from not being able to produce power and they still think it's okay to water up the coarse, and the coarse has some ponds on it! 
I watched with a lot of sadness a farmer pulling his almond trees out of the ground in California due to a lack of water. And he's not alone! But these people will never get that the golf coarse has to go. Seems we need our golf heroes more then we need food. The amount of water AND fertilizer wasted on golf has got to stop. Not to mention all that grass people seem to think they need.
This drought that started last summer is not showing signs of letting up. They need to get radical and quick or suffer the results of their wasteful use of this precious commodity.

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