Friday, 8 February 2013

Horse Shit

Again, meat eaters go crazy with the thought of horse meat in their burgers. How cum? Well I suppose  you want to get what you thought you were paying for, but really, is horse meat bad for you? And if they can't mix it up in your ground beef a bit what are they to do with it?
But the bigger question is what will they do with all the recalled meat? Are they just going to put it in the dump? I'm sure there are many poor people who would not mind eating it or feeding there family with it.
It really is ironic that this kind of thing is upsetting to some people. They have separated cows, chickens and pigs from the animals they like. Indians ate dogs on a regular basis and I'm sure there are lots of places in this world that eat meat from animals we "like". Horse shit I say, let them eat broccoli! haha

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