Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I'm a worm farmer, and proud of it

The amount of wasted food in this world would almost wipe out hunger. What is it with the supermarkets that decide what shape a vegetable or fruit has to be before selling it? Are we so finicky that we will not eat a crooked carrot? Do they really think no one will buy them?
I blame the British, not only did they bring cows and pigs to this continent but the notion of the perfect looking fruit and vegetable. I get that it was a way to be better then the competition but that has long passed us. And the waste? well I know there are still way too many places that ship it to the dump! Where I live we do recycle the compost from the garbage but not nearly enough cities do this.
I take it a step further, my worms eat my garbage, well most of it. They turn the vegetable scraps into the best fertilizer you can buy! It's called vermacompost, and this will grow your plants better then anything you can buy. Replenish the earth with this "worm poop" and watch the circle of life give back.
I also want to congratulate our local food banks for taking excess vegetables from us to redistribute. I'm not sure everyone knows this, as they wouldn't in the past. But this is great for the families that need help. They will be getting my extra's this year, hope you donate yours as well!
To learn more I suggest Red Worm an exceptional web site for new worm farmers.

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