Sunday, 24 February 2013

Face Book and Family

There are endless articles on why FB is both good and bad. But I'm experiencing such a rush of "good vibes" of late as more and more family connect on this platform. Seeing all the pictures and feeling all the good wishes is so heartwarming.
Is 2013 the year we all get over our privacy qualms?
I've been going down memory lane a lot these past few weeks, funny it took a funeral to get more of this love going, and a whole lot of coaxing, but I'm in a great place right now. The feeling is so good.
Sharing is what we all really love to do, no matter how selfish we sometimes feel. All the "moments" that occur in ones life, and sharing them, yowser, I'm just really enjoying it all.
This is what happiness really feels like!
Sending my love to everyone reading this, Miles

1 comment:

  1. Truth. Everyone just wants to share their story!
